Post SDR

There are six centres in the UK and two in the US providing SDR surgery, all of which provide a period of intensive inpatient rehabilitation. Following this, the majority of children are referred to their local community physiotherapy team for ongoing long-term care. They may however, not have the expertise or resources to meet the specific requirements and expectations of your child. This is where we can help by offering a range of services which can bridge the gap between what you are currently being provided and what you feel your child deserves.

Our standard services are listed below offering a range of options that are all tailored to your child’s specific needs.


Initial Assessment: £150

A comprehensive objective examination performed by 1 senior SDR physiotherapist involving a full musculoskeletal, tone, function and gait assessment. This takes 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of data analysis (a good time for a drink and snack) and then 15 minutes feedback.


Follow up assessments: £75

A 1 hour appointment with a senior SDR physiotherapist including 50 minutes of treatment/assessment with 10 minutes feedback.


Follow up assessment with summary report: £95

A 1 hour appointment with a senior SDR physiotherapist including 50 minutes of treatment/assessment with 10 minutes feedback, followed by a printed summary report sent to yourself and your named therapist(s).


Stand-alone 3D gait analysis: price on application.


Regular/block sessions of reviews: price on application.


Follow up Skype consultations: price on application.


Direct liaison with your local physiotherapy team: price on application.


Initial Assessment with full report and exercises: £300

A comprehensive objective examination performed by 2 senior SDR physiotherapists involving a full musculoskeletal, tone, function and gait assessment. This takes 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of data analysis (a good time for a drink and snack) and then 15 minutes feedback. A full report and bespoke exercise programme will follow in the post within 5 working days.


If you have a specific request that is not covered by this list, feel free to contact us to discuss other options.