We are keen to tailor our packages to patients’ individual needs. We can offer a one-off assessment with advice about key areas to work on or a series of appointments to monitor progress and refine exercises to really optimise potential, in order to prepare you and your child for their first appointment with the neurosurgeon. We routinely assess patients in the NHS for consideration of SDR surgery and so can offer help and guidance on the whole process.

Our initial consultation is carried out in the therapy room at the University of West of England’s HAL (gait lab). It involves a thorough musculoskeletal, tone and functional assessment. Due to our collaboration with the private Bristol SDR service, 3D gait analysis can also be arranged in the next room!


Initial Assessment: £150

A comprehensive objective examination performed by 1 senior SDR physiotherapist involving a full musculoskeletal, tone, function and gait assessment. This takes 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of data analysis (a good time for a drink and snack) and then 15 minutes feedback.


Follow up assessments: £75

A 1 hour appointment with a senior SDR physiotherapist including 50 minutes of treatment/assessment with 10 minutes feedback.


Follow up assessment with a full summary report: £95

A 1 hour appointment with a senior SDR physiotherapist including 50 minutes of treatment/assessment with 10 minutes feedback, followed by a printed summary full report sent to yourself and your named therapist(s).


Follow up Skype consultations: price on application.


Stand-alone 3D gait analysis: price on application.


Initial Assessment with report and exercises: £200

A comprehensive objective examination performed by 1 senior SDR physiotherapist involving a full musculoskeletal, tone, function and gait assessment. This takes 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of data analysis (a good time for a drink and snack) and then 15 minutes feedback. A report and bespoke exercise programme will follow in the post within 5 working days.

If you have a specific request that is not covered by this list, feel free to contact us to discuss other options.