Treatment Blocks

Block therapy introduction

SDR Physiotherapy are pleased to announce we are able to offer a four day intensive physiotherapy course at the Freeways Centre, Bristol suitable for children both pre or post SDR.

The course will commence on day one with a full consultation and comprehensive assessment by a highly specialised SDR physiotherapist. Specific goals will be set in partnership with parents and children and treatment sessions will be tailored to the specific needs of the child.

Individual therapy will then be delivered over the following three days, with a group hydrotherapy session on day three. Advice, education and guidance will be offered to parents and carers throughout the course with ideas for both home and water based exercises.


Therapy Package – £495

Day 1: 1 x Physiotherapy assessment consultation (75 mins)

Day 2: 2 x Physiotherapy treatment session (50 mins)

Day 3: 1 x Physiotherapy treatment session (50 mins) and 1 x Hydrotherapy session (50 mins)

Day 4: 2 x Physiotherapy treatment sessions (50 mins) with advice on home exercises and end of treatment letter.

Please forward any enquiries about treatment blocks to